Save Energy, Save Money!
Energy is the most sought after commodity in the modern world. With the increasing population, industries and technology, the demand for energy is on the rise by the day. But to this day, the world is still dependent on conventional resources like coal and natural oil to a large extent. Alternative energy sources like hydel energy and nuclear energy have not yet become a complete substitute the energy needs. While the scientists still exploring the possibilities of alternatives, the energy consumption is continuing at an alarming scale. This creates a situation that makes everyone anxious about the future of the world. It is quite possible that today’s thoughtless consumption is going to make life miserable for the future generations. Apart from the scarcity viewpoint, another aspect that causes worry is the pollution of atmosphere due to the green house emission. This is a direct consequence of our dependence on conventional energy resources. It is time every one focused on this issue and looked for remedies. The responsibility rests with all of us to make a small contribution to the process of saving resources for the future generations by saving energy in our own small way.
An American family spends about two thousand dollars a year on power bills. The unfortunate thing is that a large part is this energy is actually wasted. If we were a little sensible, it is possible to cut down the consumption to a significant extent. It just calls for a little attention to small things.
For example, we can use programmable thermostats in homes which will keep the house warm in winter and cool in summer. This reduces the use of air conditioners. By using solar panels, we can do away with electric heaters and geysers. Tube lights can be replaced by compact fluorescent bulbs. Dishes can be air dried and the use of dish washers can be limited to emergencies. We must make it a point to turn off computers and monitors when they are not in use. Washing machines must be used only with full loads of clothes. By driving steadily and avoiding aggressive driving, lot of gasoline can be saved.
This kind of energy-saving measures can not only make life more comfortably but also bring down the utility bills considerably. This apart, it is a great service to a cause that needs to be addressed urgently.